Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Playing Favorites - Part Deux

Celebrating the May 1st holiday with a game of Mahjong.

Love these girls. Last May the Olympic Torch passed through the city and all of Suzhou came out to see it.

One of the many sculptures scattered throughout SIP (Suzhou Industrial Park).

Klynt snapped this last summer while visiting the great state of California.

We also spent some time in the Sequoia National Forest. The Sequoias are giants. Their size reconfirms just how small and insignificant we really are in the grand scheme of things.

Me love you long time!

My Fidel!

Two weeks on the tropical Hawaiian island of Oahu. Need I say more?

Christmas 2008. This photo oozes cheese but I love it!

The city of Suzhou will always be grateful to Trent Smith for his heroic efforts in saving this historical landmark.

Street art in Shanghai.

Hall and Alice singing a duet. Karaoke is very popular in China

Bowling is what we do best (not really). We had a blast though.

Celebrating the Chinese New Year. A few of Klynt's co-workers did a little dance - hilarious.

The Terracotta Warriors of Xi'an - souvenir version of course.

I enjoyed showing my sister around Suzhou.

This photo is one of my absolute favorites; even if the Balinese girls are laughing at us. Nice work Klynt. :)

SSCAC - The Suzhou Science and Cultural Arts Center is one of the most unique buildings in the city (in my humble opinion).
What can I say? I'm easily entertained.

1 comment:

Kim said...

I enjoyed looking through these pictures. Are you going to continue doing this blog when you return to MI? I don't know if Lindsay ever told you this, but after seeing your pictures (I assume on Facebook) of Sequoia Nat'l Park, she decided to go there herself. Her and one of her girlfreinds are going there in a couple of weeks.