Thursday, May 28, 2009


In Bali we; spent time with family, relaxed, watched the sun rise over a rice paddy and the ocean, browsed a few markets, scaled a couple volcanoes, had a picnic, visited a temple or two, sampled an Aussie meat pie (my mother always said “if you don’t have something nice to say then don’t say it” so I will remain silent on the subject of meat pies), came across a few monkeys and a bat the size of a small dog, moved quickly in the opposite direction of a python, stayed in a Villa, laid by a pool and got burnt to a crisp (I was later told we were only seven degrees from the equator. Nice.), witnessed many ceremonies, got caught in the rain, blew a fuse, viewed a few pirated movies (dang pirates), picked up a few sea shells, raided the silver shops, sipped strawberry juice, learned the “proper” way to extract a gecko from the house and all in all, had a really great time!


Friday, May 8, 2009

Bali or Bust

The husband and I are headed to Bali today. I just wanted to say goodbye. I’ll be back in a week. Hopefully with a tan! Here’s a picture for you to look at while I’m gone. :)


Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Topless Bus

The topless bus costs 2 RMB and takes you on a 1/2 hour jaunt around Jin-Ji Lake. In case you were wondering, the bus is topless, not the passengers. ;)


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Foot Fetish

Klynt gets the biggest kick out of Chinese footwear. I know, the poor guy doesn’t get out much. Anyway, here are a few of the photos he snapped while I was immensely enjoying a chocolate sundae.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Green Grass, Blue Sky and Sunshine

Now that’s not a shabby way to kick off the weekend; is it? May 1st was the beginning of a national holiday here in China. On Friday Klynt managed to skip out of work early, so we hopped on the scooter, headed down to the park and found a nice shaded spot to sit back, chat and watch the kites. Everyone seemed to be in celebratory mode, and the city was busy with people.

Friday, May 1, 2009

It's Official

We are going home! Well, not today, tomorrow or even next month, but before the summer is through Klynt and I will be back in Michigan. Xinghan Street will no longer be our address. The countdown has begun. We’re a little sad, a lot of happy, and very ready for the next chapter.
