Friday, July 17, 2009

I’ll have a Whopper Jr. w/ Fries and a Coke Please

The skies cleared momentarily and were blue. The sun was shining. There were no conference calls to be made or reports that needed to be sent. We had a bit of free time, and a craving - a big craving, for something juicy and flame broiled. Rumor had it there was a new burger joint in town. It was said to be located on the other side of the lake in the new Times Square Shopping Center. Within minutes we flagged down a taxi and were on our way; windows down, hair blowing in the breeze, and a Chinese tune on the radio. I didn’t know the words but the melody was catchy and I hummed along. Now the details of the actual meal are sketchy at best. I remember opening the door and what happened after that is really anybody’s guess. This I know for sure: when we exited the restaurant and stepped out into a wave of humidity, our stomachs were full and we were content. With dinner over in five minutes flat, Klynt suggested we survey The Square, and so we did.

This photo’s a little blurry, but I’m standing near the Expo Center, designed to look like the Sydney Opera House in Australia.

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