Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Mom and Pop

~ The Entrance to Tiger Hill~

~ Dad and Mom~

~ Klynt's New Friend~

~ Dad, Klynt and Mom~

~Just Me~


Five days just isn't long enough! You can barely get from Shanghai to Suzhou in that amount of time! It's true!

Despite the shortage of time we did get to visit Klynt at work (yeah, they got the grand tour), enjoy some of our favorite restaurants, do a bit of shopping and even visit a local garden: Tiger Hill. Mom kept trying to practice her Creole on the locals! They just smiled and looked confused. She must really miss Haiti!

Now, when you make mention of the fact that you rarely see blue sky, Westerners aren't overly friendly and the driving is a bit on the crazy side, you just KNOW what is going to take place, don't you? The skies were blue with big white clouds, Americans and Europeans nodded, said hello and one or two even smiled...SMILED! The Chinese must have taken a crash course in driving recently because, yup, you guessed it...you weren't praying for your life! So from now on, China is wonderful! Why doesn't everyone live here? :)


Anonymous said...

I have bookmarked your blog. I look forward to your entries.

Dana Baker said...

Thank you, thank you!

kari mia way said...

Yeah!! Dana finally got entered the blog-world. As a visitor to China (for more than 5 days), I verify Dana's previous description of China. We hardly saw the sky (because of the smog), the Westerner's NEVER looked at you-let alone smiled, and the drivers are CRAZY!!! I look forward to reading more and seeing more pics:)

Dana Baker said...

Yes, the blog-world madness!

I think Dad and Mom really enjoyed their time here and it was great to be able to show them around town. It was quite a different city while they were here...no joke! :)

Hey, will you be coming back for a visit anytime soon? Oh what fun!

Still missin' Zach? :(